Using a loyalty card should be as effortless as tapping to pay with Apple Pay or Google Pay. Here’s why we’re not there yet.
Why create the VTAP NFC wallet reader?
We couldn’t find a universal product that offered the right mix of RFID and mobile wallet compatibility as well as connectivity to different systems. So we made one!
NFC Wallet secrets: “I have to do what?!”
Easing complexity of updates to access control readers for NFC Wallet and other future credentials
Apple radically changed mobile payments … Access control is next
Apple Wallet Access will improve corporate access control giving users a simpler, more secure experience.
Football clubs: migration to NFC Wallet tickets
Football clubs are migrating to NFC Wallet tickets for a faster, more secure fan experience. VTAP readers provide the fastest migration path.
Enhancing the gym experience with NFC Wallet
NFC gym passes in Apple Wallet and Google Wallet drive app usage as well as improving the overall gym member experience.